Press reviews
„The avant-garde is dead, long live the new one!”
Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik
„a rhythmically extraordinarily complex work cycle of open, aleatoric and closed form”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
„intriguing exercise in creative composition”
The Wire
„Music like a natural event”
Fono Forum
„Forcefully physical and forever in flux, the trio's music is a bit like Brutalist architecture
translated into music.”
„have developed an intensity like no other group in the border area of new music and jazz.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
„Demanding, sparkling, condensing the space, tracking the common pulse.”
Der Tagesspiegel
„Now that’s really contemporary music.”
Die Zeit
„This music completely defies categorisation.”
neues deutschland
„The real pleasure is tracing the spontaneous interactions, appreciating the quicksilver give-and-take [...] There’s also an innate compositional logic at play, no matter how abstract a particular passage may get.”
The Quietus
„At times the music takes off into cosmic spheres, while underneath the drums pump and pulse relentlessly and the vibraphone accents with chordal playing, floating notes or intricate ostinato figures.”
neue Zeitschrift für Musik